The Latest

I had no idea that I would make this square-by-square creation called the Memory Blanket. It’s fun! At first I fussed a bit with the instructions because I wasn’t sure how to keep the lines all going the same way. I figured it out, so that is progress and new growth! I ordered a bunch of acrylic yarn for crochet but then I remembered how below average I am at crochet, so I decided to knit a blanket which I have never done before. Oh wait! I am plugging away at the Bee Keepers Quilt (puffs!) and I do love that, too!

I am almost finished with these socks for our son. He’s so nice. He says he likes them. I’m on the last afterthought heel. The wool is called Scout (the gray wool) and the gold is something I bought on sale at the LYS and I can’t find the band.

I am almost finished with my Advent scarf (ahem – yes, it’s July) and I do love it and I must buy a coat to match come November. I’m knitting other stuff, too. A scarf for a grandson, thick house socks, a color work sweater, a wool cardigan, another color work sweater, a color work cardigan. They are all at about the same place in their progress. I don’t care. I just love having lots of options and finishing things isn’t a guilt thing for me. Yay! What are you working on?

Winter Wool Work

My penguin/kimono sweater (designed by Stephen West quite some time ago) is an ornament now. It’s a sampler of sorts and I enjoy looking at it because I learned a lot following his directions. I used Brown Sheep wool.
I knit two bluebirds of happiness☺️
I knit a hat for a homeless woman nearby. Last time I spoke to her I saw no sign of it, but that’s okay. I know it’s best not to track gifts.
I put together an Advent box for our daughter in law. Do you like the colors? The mini skeins were surprisingly larger than we thought but she is knitting them into a scarf.
Here’s my Advent scarf. I’m still working on it!
This beauty is still in progress. One sleeve to finish.
I keep forgetting about these shortie socks!
And these thick house socks! I wear wool socks a lot this time of year. January and February make our house cold.
I finished this shawl and gave it to my friend Gretchen. The wool is from Ruby and Roses.

Winter knitting is especially soothing. Thank you to sheep for their lovely wool. I met an older lady at the park when I was a young mother. She was knitting and we talked about it. She said that some days she was a smooth and easy knitter and other days it felt clunkier. She said writing is the same; we’re not the same every day. Do you find this when you knit?

Knitting is a happy and worshipful song for me. Thankful.

This Bunch of Wool

Let’s look at this again. Mini skein glory❤️

I am knitting hexi puffs with our granddaughter. The Beekeepers Blanket (or is it quilt?) is fun! So far I have three hexi puffs finished in mellow orange, pink and lilac.

I bought this lovely skein at Fancy Tiger Crafts. Knerd string is soft and this color has a green name.
I patched my denim chair.
Because this adorable creature likes to destroy upholstery.
I made scones and ate them. Yay for Queen Elizabeth 👑👑👑
Wiener Winks😂 The cook at my elementary school made the most scrumptious pigs in a blanket and on the weekly menu for hot lunch they were called Wiener Winks, so you can call them that now😊 Sometimes funny food brings good cheer.

I am planning petunia placement – yellow and white. I am still sowing seeds. I am listening to a biography of Clementine Churchill. I am reading Kristin Lavrensdatter again. I am reading my Bible, tucking TRUTH in my hungry soul.

Thank you for stopping in. God be with you😊

Butterfly, Birds, and Socks

I had a lot of fun knitting a butterfly and then stuffing her into a cocoon! She flew to Japan to a brand new baby.

I knit two birds for two of our grands. I received orders from other grands for cat toys. I haven’t quite gotten around to that yet!

Snuggle bug
It’s that messy garden-y, swifty, teapot-y state of affairs around here. I have a bad case of the lazies.
Two second sock “to do’s” are in the lineup.

Oh! And here she is after she burst out of her cocoon! I love her!

I kept seeing Stacy from Stress Knits going on about her Half and Half Wraps from Purl Soho. I cast one on. Lotsa stitches!

I decided that when late fall arrives I will want to finish the three sweaters I have on the needles, but I will finish the striped one next.

It’s starting to be sunny outside but I just want to sit and knit. I’m good at sitting. I’m free from my volunteer responsibilities now and I want to be a knitting student for a while. Bliss! Cheep!

Childlike Gifts

I learned about Jellycat stuffed toys when shopping for grandchildren years ago. I have a love for soft things, so these three treasures were on my wishlist. Bill ordered them and I opened them and I have been looking at them and holding them all week. I read Rumer Godden’s Tales from the Doll’s House last week. In the stories, dolls want to be chosen by children. Mine must settle for a granny😂.

Sock Fun

Do you know about this book? My mom sent it to me❤️
I made toe up scrappy socks
It’s cold enough for a scrappy cowl, too!
I still like socks the usual way🤗
My pixie❤️ and a stack of socks.
I wore pajama pants on Thanksgiving 🦃
I made buns for my sister’s birthday 🥳

I finally decided to use my iPad when I write posts for Knit Song. My greatest knitting contentment has been knitting with sock yarn in new ways, in the morning. The Christmas tree and lighted garland above the fireplace are soothing and cozy. My quiet Advent reading and prayers encourage my heart. More homey knitting to come! Thank you for calling in😘.

Forever Knitting

I deleted the original “Forever Knitting” post accidentally (on my iPad, in the morning, when I was sleepy) so for record keeping’s sake, I’ll write it again. Different this time. My favorite knitting store Little Knits (in Seattle) makes my knitting heart sing. Brown Sheep is my favorite wool and has been since the old Skyloom Fibers existed in Denver. Sue, the owner of Little Knits, has a beautiful knitting heart and serves so well. The prices are amazing and her stock is vast! Brown Sheep of Nebraska produces SO MANY different wools. I shall find a gansey or aran pattern to make up the gorgeous yellow above. Lemon Pound Cake is the color. It might not be the best choice for cables because it’s bumpy, but I’m going to try.

The BFL below also came from Little Knits. See? She has it all! This might be a simple top down pullover like the purple sweater I finished recently. As I get older, I get colder. I used to be forever too warm, but now I walk out in the heat and I fully appreciate the heavy warmth of sunshine. I’m thankful for that.

This is the Plotulopi “Rusty” sweater. I haven’t reached the colorwork but I am a little worried about joining sleeves to body. The directions are assumptive (That’s okay, I get it. I’d have a hard time explaining remedial things to someone who’d never tried it if I were a knitting designer). The wool is delicate and rough at the same time. I like making traditional things. I gave some of my “cool cat” knitting books to my young daughter-in-law. For all the time it takes me to complete sweaters, I best stick to the classics.

Alice Starmore’s Aran Knitting AND Book of Fair Isle Knitting are research treasures. Sheila McGregor’s Traditional Scandinavian Knitting is also in my library. Knitting Ganseys by Beth Brown-Reinsel is challenging reading, too. I’m getting back to my book loving path to knitting. It feels right.

Here are some other woolly wonders. My friend Heather used to make these and I think I have purchased the majority of her flowers. Here’s a patch of flowers for YOU!

Some Knitty Stuff

I used all soft and kind-to-the skin fibers for a random cowl. It was so nice to knit, such good clicking.

I used a cowl pattern to begin but then shifted to y/o around the top and bottom with varied yarns for stripes. I had some acrylic stuff to add to some of the lighter weight yarns I chose.

My sweet mama liked it so I left it with her. It sits on the chest in a “just right comfy” sort of way and she found it warm and comforting.

I finished the rib armholes for this striped vest. It looks kinda clowny but I still like the colors.

If I lost ten pounds it might look better. Ha!

I’m just about finished with this sweater. I have a few inches of sleeve and then the i-cord trim for the neckline. I don’t know if I like how purple it is. I do keep picking purple. My Lopi cardi is coming along and it’s pink/purple. Hmmmmmm.

I found a new yarn shop. It’s all the way in Longmont but it’s sweet and very well supplied. I’ll visit again.

One of our young friends came over for dinner and he saw my Penguono on the chair. He was cold so he put it on. Funny, but it’s nice to see it on someone besides me. I haven’t worn it out of the house yet. Too chicken.

I’m going to cast on something and then maybe finish a mitten or sock. Maybe. I cleaned house today so tomorrow I can sit and knit. Bliss.

A Few Knits

Isn’t this little “prayer square” a nice quick project? I think I’ll make the next one from wool. Cotton is a bit thick.

Timothy gets so tired. LOL! He’s so cute when he curls up. He does not bother my knitting. Yay!

I finished the clown vest that started out as a sweater but the dropped shoulders seemed wrong so I ribbed the armholes and . . . another vest! Ha! I have another almost finished vest on the needles. I guess this granny likes vests.

And the self patterning socks are cute! I do have that second sock/second mitten thing going. I hope I finish sock number two.

I received Estonian Knitting and another great book about sheep and wool. Yay! I’m slowly picking up my works in progress and I feel hopeful about their completion. That’s a good feeling. Happy knitting!

A Mitt Made

One lovely mitt finished. I changed it up and went for a bulky pattern to use with my favorite wool – Lamb’s Pride.

I have been too busy sewing costumes (just three – two jackets, two skirts, a pair of pants and a vest) and doing my Community Bible Study lesson and planning for the CBS fourth graders. Oh, and having house guests. Now things should free up. It’s snowing today so that means I can make the other mitt.

I’m still aiming to shed my knitting conformity and simply live in my own wool wonder, finishing things when I feel the wave of inspiration and starting new things whenever I want to. I ask nothing of knitting but to calm my mind. It does that.

I’ll bring the garden props inside soon. I do love looking at the toadstools.

I had the hardest time getting motivated to sew. Why? One of the costumes I made will be worn in two different shows by two different granddaughters! What a chance to contribute to their adorable-ness! I simply must try to overcome my “I don’t want to do that right now” tendency. I prayed for verve and motivation and God delivered. I did get my assignment finished and there are many costumers helping now. We’re thankful. I think it’s because I am older now and I don’t stay up late EVER.

Our house is cozy, the books are plentiful, the tea is also plentiful, and I have so many things I like to do right here. Bliss. I’ve organized my Bible reading for now. I’ll do my CBS study, of course, and then I’ll read Matthew a little (Jesus’s words), Habakkuk a little (a prophet) and then one of Paul’s letters (Titus right now). Yesterday I was at Barnes and Noble and they have lovely Bibles. I wanted a new one but I have new ones and I am just fine in the Bible department. I bought C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man because we’re reading it in book club.

Happy day to you. I hope you do something you like to do. There are so many wonderful things we can find to do with our creativity, that creativity that is a sweet gift from the Creator.